To investors & partners

Stable growth in gas production in Ukraine is only possible through the intensive development of deposits at a depth of 5–6 km and more. Due to investments in modern equipment and innovative technologies, DTEK Oil&Gas has successful experience in drilling to such depth. The experience gained allows us to consider a shift to drilling wells over 7 km in depth.


DTEK Oil&Gas’ strategic goal is to achieve maximum hydrocarbons production growth due to the resource base expansion and implementation of the new technologies 


● Boosting oil and gas production in Ukraine


● Growing asset portfolio


● Cutting-edge technologies


Natural gas remains a long-term strategic energy resource and is considered a transitional fuel on the way to carbon neutrality under the European Green Deal. Ukraine possesses significant resources, with 1.2 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and the potential to increase its production.


DTEK Oil&Gas’ tenet is to form a technological ecosystem and drive Ukraine’s upstream industry development. Following that mission, the company has developed DTEK Oil&Gas Technology Hub. The plan is to introduce technologies previously unavailable domestically, establish partnerships with major international companies, and spur Ukraine’s scientific and technological potential. DTEK Oil&Gas strives to enhance the Ukrainian energy sector by strengthening the companie's position in the market.

Investor materials

Financial Performance and Bond Reporting
Bonds Description
Corporate family rating    CC
Outlook   N/A
Debt instruments rating    CC
Date                      12.05.2022


Press releases


For investors: IR@DTEK.COM

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