Ivan Gafych: It's time to change the exploration paradigm

In his opinion, it is very unlikely that significant new hydrocarbon deposits of the traditional type could be discovered. Instead, geologists should focus on isolated objects within edge zones and outside of the fields, non-structural or combined stratigraphic traps, facies traps, deep exploration targets and hard-to-extract tight gas reservoirs. Using this approach, DTEK Oil & Gas discovered a new field several years ago, where exploration program had been purposefully focused on prospects not related to structural traps. Additionally, DTEK Oil & Gas increased reserves discovering isolated sand targets and tight gas reservoirs, therefore extended the life cycle of existing fields.
An important aspect of the successful approach for more complex non-structural prospects is to understand their nature. This can be achieved by integrating geological and geophysical data, combining and creating digital databases, modeling sedimentation conditions, as well as using new methodological approaches and technologies for processing and interpreting of 3D seismic datasets and implementing advanced borehole measurements. Using such methods and research, DTEK Oil & Gas discovered previously unknown oil and gas targets within the producing field in the deep Devonian delta fronts and Tournaisian bioherm structures. They are estimated to have a resource potential of up to 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas. A high-tech nodal 3D seismic survey project is currently being designed to de-risk these targets for deep exploratory drilling.
“Ukraine has one of the greatest HC resource potentials in Europe. However, the gas production industry has been stagnating for several decades, and production has been significantly exceeding reserve replacement. Large traditional deposits have already been depleted, and new fields and deposits, discovered by private and state-owned companies and generally associated with smaller and smaller structures, have minor reserves. It allows to maintain production, but not to increase it. In my opinion, it’s time to change the exploration paradigm and adopt a systematic approach to planning and conducting geological surveys in new areas, including those previously not explored. We should pay more attention to combined traps, non-structural prospects and edge deposit zones. That is where most probably to be the potential for growth in gas production. I hope that the experience of DTEK Oil & Gas will contribute to this process, since it is a key area and our company will continue to develop it,” said Mr. Gafych.