Home Media Center News All Gas Processing Plants of DTEK Oil&Gas are Equipped with Modern Commercial Gas-Metering Points

All Gas Processing Plants of DTEK Oil&Gas are Equipped with Modern Commercial Gas-Metering Points

Oil and gas21 December 2017
In December 2017, DTEK Oil&Gas completed the reconstruction of commercial metering units at the Semyrenkivska complex gas treatment plant and Olefirivska preliminary gas treatment plant and successfully put them in commercial operation with UKRTRANSGAZ PJSC. The same metering unit had been earlier installed on the Machukhska gas treatment plant. Thus, DTEK Oil&Gas became the first Ukrainian gas-producing company with facilities ready to sell natural gas in energy units, and gas-metering points that fully meet the requirements of the Gas Pipeline System Code.
All Gas Processing Plants of DTEK Oil&Gas are Equipped with Modern Commercial Gas-Metering Points

In the course of the reconstruction, DTEK Oil&Gas equipped the gas-metering units with on-stream chromatographs and humidity meters to determine the gas’ physical and chemical properties, calorific value and dew point temperature by humidity and hydrocarbons, and also equipped them with redundant metering systems. We used modern equipment: two FlowSic600 ultrasonic gas meters (Germany), state-of-the-art Yokogawa pressure and temperature transformers (Japan), chromatographic analysis complex with Siemens Sitrans CV on-stream chromatographs (Germany) and ZEGAZ DEWPOINT DUO humidity meters (USA).

The premises of the chromatographic analysis complex were equipped with a modern gas sampling point according to the DSTU ISO 10715:2009, a laboratory workbench for gas dew point temperature control measurement with portable Kharkov-2 and Michell MDM-300I.S. instruments, and a gas examination point to determine sulphur content, sour gas and mechanical impurities.

The representatives of UKRTRANSGAZ PJSC and Ukrmetrteststandard SE noted the high project implementation level and called it the benchmark for all gas-producing companies of Ukraine since they are yet to receive such a convergence between the main and redundant systems. This fact proves that commercial gas metering is of the highest accuracy.

Olexiy Raptanov, Hydrocarbons Extraction and Processing Director at DTEK Oil&Gas, emphasized, “Remote control over the instruments and data transfer lets us measure gas in energy units and monitor its quality online. Reconstruction of the metering units allowed to considerably improve the reliability of the gas metering system, increase the measurement accuracy, ensure easy use and quickly adapt to the new conditions on the way to Ukraine’s energy independence.”