Home Media Center News DTEK Oil&Gas financed the reconstruction of the Shishatsky Central District Hospital for USD 330,000

DTEK Oil&Gas financed the reconstruction of the Shishatsky Central District Hospital for USD 330,000

Oil and gas03 April 2020
DTEK Oil&Gas has completed the reconstruction of the Shishatsky Central District Hospital, having invested USD 330,000 in this project.
DTEK Oil&Gas financed the reconstruction of the Shishatsky Central District Hospital for USD 330,000

The company has financed the comprehensive reconstruction of the Shishatsky Central District Hospital, since 2015 as part of social partnership strategy with the Shishatsky district of the Poltava region. During this time, the roof, facade, first and second floors, and the drainage system were repaired in the children's department. The company invested USD 276,000  in repair work. Also, DTEK Oil&Gas acquired medical equipment for the therapeutic, pediatric and surgical departments in the amount of USD 54,000. Doctors received a coagulator, a telecard, a non-contact indicator of intraocular pressure, an electrocardiograph for 6 and 12 channels, concentrators for saturating blood with oxygen during resuscitation, a compressor inhaler and other devices.

In addition, the rent payments allowed to purchase a USD 288,000 x-ray machine for the hospital.

Thanks for the reconstruction, a high-quality medical base and comfortable conditions for the treatment of 19 patients under the age of 15 years were created in the children's department of the hospital.