Naftogazvydobuvannya hits top 10 largest Ukrainian taxpayers
According to the data compiled by the State Fiscal Service, aggregate tax contributions of Naftogazvydobuvannya increased by 190% YOY. The amount of taxes paid increased mainly due to the steep growth of hydrocarbon extraction and the sale of a portion of products extracted in 2015.
“Naftogazvydobuvannya holds a higher position in the ratings of the State Fiscal Service than metallurgical giants, system banks, and transport undertaking. This provides yet another confirmation of the importance of gas extraction not only for the national energy independence but also for the strengthening and development of the domestic economy in general. We are ready to continue enhancing the extraction and pay more tax, but we need a stable regulatory and investment environment,” noted Igor Shchurov, CEO of PJSC “Naftogazvydobuvannya”. “At the same time, we consider it most unfair that a lion’s share of taxes remains in the state budget, while districts where gas is extracted receive almost nothing from these colossal sums. There is a need for urgent changes in law which will allow restoring justice by forwarding a portion of taxes to the finance the development of oblasts, districts, and villages.”
At the 2015 year’s end, Naftogazvydobyvannya paid more than UAH 3 bln in local and state taxes.