Naftogazvydobuvannya ranked in the top three Ukrainian taxpayers in the extractive industry
According to the data collected by the State Fiscal Service, Naftogazvydobuvannya paid UAH 2,298 million in taxes to the state treasury.
“Companies operating in the oil and gas sector generate one third of taxes contributed to the state treasury, demonstrating considerable growth by almost UAH 16 bln from UAH 41.7 bln to 57.6 bln as compared to the previous year’s results. A critical part in this process is played by the gas extraction industry that enjoys a significant potential for extraction and is constantly striving to increase its contribution to the economic and energy stability of Ukraine. At the same time, the complete support from the state and local authorities combined with the efforts of gas extracting companies is an absolute prerequisite for the further development of the industry,” commented Igor Shchurov, CEO of DTEK Oil&Gas.