Naftogazvydobuvannya invested UAH 23 mln in the development of the Poltava Oblast in three years
Naftogazvydobuvannya operates in the Shyshatskyi, Myrgorodskyi, and Poltavskyi Districts of the Poltava Oblast. Three years ago, the company developed Strategies of social partnership with these districts for 2014–2016. Each document envisaged projects aimed at tackling the most acute problems faced by local communities.
The Strategies were developed and implemented in a transparent manner, and involved all interested parties including district and village authorities, activists, local businesses, and experts. The programs also envisaged control over spendings and the achievement of tasks.
Through the Strategies, the districts received better level of health care. Three hospitals and outpatient diagnostics departments were renovated, and fitted with 11 units of new equipment, and also received three ambulances. A social center for senior citizens undergone renovation.
Little residents were provided with better conditions for their education. Three schools were renovated, and another five were fitted with gas meters. Two village daycare centers were repaired within the framework of the Strategies.
Streets became cleaner and more comfortable thanks to two tractors and two special vehicles purchased for this purpose. This equipment is used to remove rubbish, snow, cut down dry trees and shrubs, and provide other services to local residents. Public water supply was organized in the territory of two village councils, and another two were equipped with street lights.
Finally, Naftogazvydobuvannya invested in the construction and renovation of motorways. In aggregate, 23 km of road were constructed and renovated.
“In the past three years we proved that we carry on our operations responsibly, in compliance with law, taking proper care of the environment and occupational safety, and promoting the wellbeing of local residents. We have fulfilled all our obligations under the Social partnership strategies. Local residents, in their turn, support our operations and the development of gas extraction in Ukraine, and our team highly appreciates this support. This cooperation paves the road to harmonized development of the national economy and improving the quality of life of all the Ukrainians,” said DTEK Oil&Gas CEO Igor Shchurov.
At the beginning of 2017, DTEK Oil&Gas will launch the development of new programs of social partnership with areas where the company operates.